Registration is now open for the 2025 Biomedical Sciences Symposium to be held in the JABSOM Medical Education Building (MEB) at the UH Kaka’ako campus. This newly formatted event will take place on April 4 and 5, 2025. The Organizing Committee invites the following to present their research:
- UH Graduate students working on the Kaka’ako campus or JABSOM departments located on UH Manoa campus
- UH Post-Doctoral researchers working on the Kaka’ako campus or JABSOM departments located on UH Manoa campus
- UH JABSOM Medical students
- Medical Fellows in Hawaii
- Medical Residents in Hawaii
Friday April 4 will have two poster sessions for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral researchers.
Saturday April 5 will have poster sessions and oral presentations for Medical Students, Medical Fellows and Residents. The oral presentations will be chosen by the organizing committee and will consist of short (5-15 min) Powerpoint talks.
To register for this symposium, please prepare a ½ – 1 page abstract
describing the research presentation in the standard format that contains
the title, all authors (presenting author listed as first-author), author
affiliations, and body of abstract. Convert your abstract to PDF format. When this file is ready, presenters can click the link below to register.
Your abstract will be uploaded in PDF format.
- The abstract should be 1 page maximum (4,000 character limit)
- 1/2-3/4 inch margins
- Single-spaced, Arial or Helvetica Font 11 point
- The body of the abstract should include:
- Title
- Authors
- Data/Results relevant to your project